
九灃興業(JIU FENG LIVING SPACES) 專業的家居產業知識公司,擁有創意能量的專業團隊,實踐產業升級的至高理想。
快加入JIU FENG團隊,在工作中追求創意與趣味,追求工作與生活間的平衡。

The three major characteristics of Jiu fenger prepare

Know how to observe the details of the details

Know how to observe the details of the details The pursuit of precise and fast production strength, in addition to fast eyes, observation is more important. Finding a small problem in details is a major element that we can adhere to quality standards.

Flexible creativity

Creativity is no shortcut. It may come from innovative techniques, or patch up the old thinking again, and make good use of the tools on hand to converge and summarize in order to find appropriate solutions.

Scientists who seek truth from facts

With the basis of implementation, and logical analysis, calculation risks and effectiveness, try challenges and tests to dig the core value of the problem.

We need you to change the industry

We are not interested in your past. We only care about whether you agree with you and implement the "One for All". If you are spiritual, if you are, join us!