Standardized foundry OEM

Jiuzhang Company is proud of high -speed and precise production, not only customized, but also a large and high -speed and precise production services suitable for OA furniture, builders' unified decoration procurement, mass production furniture customization, etc. And different from other industry operators, our production services are not different due to the size of the order.

Full foundry process

As long as you hand over the design of the design to JIU FENG Company, we will send a special person to complete the entire foundry process step by step, so that you do not need to worry about anything in production while developing the home business.

Intelligent and modular processing dividends

Intelligence and modularization can not only meet the processing of human nature, but for large -scale production of foundry orders, the production model of Jiuzhang Company can also make fast product adjustments. You do not need to invest a lot of funds to cooperate with us. Sales will not affect product adjustment.

The minimum added value is also thoughtful

Transportation is often considered to be the lowest value in the commercial production chain; however, the rise of e -commerce has become complicated now. Therefore, Jiuzhang also supports your transportation point to point service: After calculating your product packaging envelope, the best transportation plan is calculated to minimize your loss and save additional costs.